Follow These Eye Care Tips For Good Eye Health


Eye Care Tips:DocTubeBlog

Your eyes are one of the most important components of your overall health. It is important for everyone to follow different kinds of eye care tips to keep the eyes healthy and ensure optimum eye health. Here we bring to you some of our expert-led eye care tips that will help you to maintain healthy eyes well into your golden years. Read along to know about these effective eye care tips:

Follow a healthy diet to protect your eyesight

It is important to eat a well-balanced diet to keep your eyes healthy (Mares, J.A., La Rowe, T.L. and Blodi, B.A., 2004. Doctor, what vitamins should I take for my eyes?. Archives of Ophthalmology, 122(4), pp.628-635). Include different kinds of fruits and vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables like kale, collard greens and spinach. Also include fish like tuna and salmon in your diet as this helps your eyes too. For the best information related to this topic, log into DocTube.

Be physically active

Children who exercise regularly often have a healthier body weight as compared to children who don’t. Being obese or overweight can put an individual at a higher risk for diabetes as well as other conditions that may also cause vision problems. 

Be alert about your vision changes

Do you squint a lot? Is your vision blurry? Having trouble seeing things at school or at work? Speak up whenever your eyes are bothering you or whenever you notice changes in your vision (Armstrong, R. and Kergoat, H., 2015. Oculo‐visual changes and clinical considerations affecting older patients with dementia. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 35(4), pp.352-376).

Keep the germs away

Make it a habit to wash your hands before putting them anywhere close to your eyes especially when you are taking out or putting in contact lenses. 

Protect your eyes

Gardening? Playing your favorite sport or using different kinds of chemicals during science class? Be sure to wear the right kind of protection to keep your eyes protected and safe (Furtado, J.M., Lansingh, V.C., Winthrop, K.L. and Spivey, B., 2012. Training of an ophthalmologist in concepts and practice of community eye health. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 60(5), p.365). Using protective eyewear and following other safety habits can help in preventing many kinds of eye injuries.

Wear your shades

Did you know that the sun’s rays can have an adverse impact on your eyes? It is therefore important for you to choose sunglasses that are effective in blocking 99% or 100% of UVA and UVB radiation from the sun. 

Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Ensure to give your eyes a break. Staring at your mobile or laptop screen for a long time can tire your eyes. Under the 20-20-20 rule, look about 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes to rest the eyes (Rao, G.N. and Prasad, L.V., 2002. How can we improve patient care. Community eye health, 15(41), pp.1-3). This prevents eye strain and fatigue.

Give up smoking

Smoking is as bad for your eye health as it is for the rest of your body. It puts you at a higher risk for several serious eye issues which may also lead to blindness.

Follow prescribed medications

If you have been prescribed medications such as eye drops, never forget to follow all directions as instructed by your doctor.

  Which kind of fish is best for eye health?  

Fishes in general are considered great for good eye vision. Tuna and salmon are some of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids that are in turn great for eye health.

  How to identify the first signs of vision problems?  

The first signs of vision problems are hazy vision, weaker vision particularly at night or while driving, uncomfortable glare from bright sunlight or automobile headlight and a need for brighter light for reading.


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