How to care for a newborn baby?


How to care for a newborn baby:DocTubeBlog

Caring for a newborn baby can be both rewarding and challenging. Feeling anxious and overwhelmed as a new mother? Well, here are some essential tips that will help you to navigate this precious and delicate phase:


If you are breastfeeding, ensure you have a comfortable position and feed your newborn baby on demand, typically every 2-3 hours.If you are using formula milk, follow the manufacturer's instructions for preparing and warming bottles (Hoddinott, P., Tappin, D. and Wright, C., 2008. Breast feeding. Bmj, 336(7649), pp.881-887). Burp your baby after feeding to prevent gas and discomfort.

Sleep patterns

A newborn baby will obviously sleep a lot, around 14-17 hours a day. They wake up to eat and have their diapers changed. Create a safe sleeping environment by placing your baby on their back in a crib with a firm mattress so that he feels comfortable.


Give sponge baths until the umbilical cord stump falls off and the navel area heals. Use mild, fragrance-free baby soap and shampoo.

Diaper usage

Change diapers frequently to keep your baby clean and prevent diaper rash. Use diaper cream to create a barrier against diaper rash.

Comfort and Soothing

Swaddle your newborn baby in a light blanket to help them feel secure and sleep better. Hold your baby close, use a pacifier or gentle rocking to soothe them. 

Health and Safety

Keep your baby's environment clean and wash your hands before handling the baby. Avoid exposing the newborn baby to sick individuals and crowded places, especially during the first few months. Schedule regular check-ups with a pediatrician and follow recommended vaccinations.


Crying is a baby's way of communicating. Check if they are hungry, need a diaper change or are uncomfortable due to gas or temperature (Phuma-Ngaiyaye, E. and Kalembo, F.W., 2016. Supporting mothers to bond with their newborn babies: strategies used in a neonatal intensive care unit at a tertiary hospital in Malawi. International Journal of Nursing Sciences, 3(4), pp.362-366). Sometimes babies cry without any apparent reason. Holding, rocking or gentle shushing can help calm them.


Spend time holding, cuddling and talking to your newborn baby. Skin-to-skin contact can also be soothing and helps to promote bonding.

Parental Self-Care

Caring for a newborn can be exhausting, so make sure to take care of yourself too. Get enough rest, eat well and ask for help when needed.

Trust Your Instincts

You know your newborn baby better than anyone else. Trust your instincts and never hesitate to reach out to healthcare professionals or experienced parents if you have concerns.

Each day you are likely to learn new things about your baby. Be patient and trust the process as the early months are a time of adjustment and understanding. With time, you will develop a rhythm and routine that suits both you and your baby.

Soothing a baby at 6 months

Soothing your baby at 6 months would involve understanding their needs and preferences while providing comfort and reassurance. Consider the following techniques while soothing your baby: 

Cuddling and Holding

A baby at 6 months seeks comfort and security through physical contact (Sullivan, R.M. and Toubas, P., 1998. Clinical usefulness of maternal odor in newborns: soothing and feeding preparatory responses. Neonatology, 74(6), pp.402-408). Hold your baby close, rock them gently and provide plenty of cuddling.

Interactive Play

Engage your baby in playful activities that involve touch, sound and movement. Peek-a-boo, tickling and gentle bouncing can elicit giggles and distract from discomfort.

Offer a Pacifier

Some babies find comfort in sucking. A clean pacifier can help soothe your baby and satisfy its natural sucking reflex.

Provide a Comfort Item

Introduce a soft and safe comfort item, such as a small blanket or a stuffed animal. Make sure it is suitable for their age and does not pose any choking hazards.

Gentle Swinging or Rocking

Rock your baby in your arms or use a baby swing to create a soothing, rhythmic motion that mimics the sensation of being in the womb.

Soft Sounds and Music

Calming sounds like white noise, lullabies or gentle music can help relax your baby. Some babies find certain sounds soothing, so experiment to see what works best.


A gentle massage can be very soothing for babies. Use soft strokes and light pressure and choose a time when your baby is calm and alert. For expert tips on how to massage your baby, watch DocTube.

Warm Bath

A warm bath can help relax your baby's muscles and provide sensory stimulation. Make sure the water is at a safe and comfortable temperature.

Distraction with Toys

Offer colorful and safe toys that your baby can play with. The novelty and sensory experiences can help redirect their attention from fussiness.

Check for Discomfort

Ensure your baby is not hungry, has a clean diaper and is not in any physical discomfort, like clothing that is too tight (Dayton, C.J., Walsh, T.B., Oh, W. and Volling, B., 2015. Hush now baby: Mothers' and fathers' strategies for soothing their infants and associated parenting outcomes. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 29(2), pp.145-155).

Change of Scenery

Sometimes a change of environment can help distract and soothe a fussy baby. Take a walk outside or move to a different room.

Recognize Sleep Cues

If your baby is overtired, it might become fussy. Recognize their sleep cues well and help them transition to naptime or bedtime.

It is essential for new mothers to understand that every baby is unique and it may take some trial and error to figure out what soothes the baby at 6 months best. Pay attention to your baby's cues and respond with patience and care. If you find that your baby's fussiness persists or if you have concerns about their well-being, be prompt enough to consult your pediatrician for expert advice and guidance.   

  Baby keeps getting diaper rashes. What to do?  

Use diaper rash creams on the baby. Wash your hands before and after diaper change. Check the baby’s diaper often and ensure to change it as soon as it gets soiled or wet.

  Is it good to massage a newborn baby daily?  

It is always recommended to massage newborn babies daily. This helps to improve blood circulation while offering a host of other benefits to the child.


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