Back Pain Managing Tips

Ever felt a nagging ache in your lower back? Well, you are not alone! 

Over 800 million people will be feeling this pain by 2050, which is a 36% increase from the number of known cases back in 2020, as per a study published in the esteemed journal Lancet Rheumatology1.

Lower back pain is one of the most common issues faced by individuals worldwide today. This is because our lower back supports the weight of our upper body and is always subjected to a huge amount of strain and stress, particularly during everyday movements like twisting and lifting. In most cases, lower back pain is caused by sudden injuries, physical activities, arthritis or ageing-related wear and tear. Dr. Arvind Kulkarni highlighted that poor posture, prolonged sitting, lack of exercise, insufficient sun exposure, smoking, and obesity are common causes. Additionally, he emphasised that chronic back pain can also be hereditary2

Irrespective of the causes of lower back pain, here are some easy tips to help you relieve back pain while preventing future problems.

Maintaining a correct posture during activities 

To protect your lower back from potential injuries, it is crucial to maintain a proper posture while performing physical activities, especially while playing sports or while working for a job that needs repetitive motions3. Avoid slouching as much as possible while always keeping your spine erect. While you lift, ensure to bend and straighten from the knees, not the waist. In addition to these, ensure to move your hips while twisting from one side to the other. 

Maintaining a correct posture while sitting

Lower back pain can be avoided to a great extent by maintaining a proper posture while sitting. For example, if you have a 9-5 desk job, keep your feet planted on the floor and also use a chair that offers proper lower back support. In addition, avoid hunching forward to look at your computer screen or reaching far in front of you to use your keyboard or mouse.

Using heat or ice

In case of lower back injury, applying ice within the initial 24-72 hours can help reduce swelling and ease pain. After that, you may switch to heat, which helps relax tight muscles. On the other hand, heat also helps relax chronic lower back pain that is not related to acute injuries4. Whether you use ice or heat, ensure that you do not use it for more than twenty minutes at a time, as this may lead to skin damage.

Stretching your muscles

Stretching is an effective way to relieve acute and chronic lower back pain. Incorporate this into your daily routine to prevent lower back problems in the future. The muscles in the back area extend in diverse directions and thus, it is crucial to do different kinds of stretches. Some basic lower back stretches include the following:

  • Lying on your back and pulling your knees to the chest
  • Lying on your back with arms outstretched in a “T” position, bend one knee and twist towards your straight leg, aiming to touch the bent knee to the floor
  • Lying on your stomach with your arms extended above your head, lift your legs and chest off the floor.

Wearing proper footwear

Wearing supportive footwear helps improve your overall posture while increasing stability and minimizing your chances of suffering from lower back pain5. Ensure to wear the right kind of footwear depending on the activity you are performing, for example, sneakers for exercising or running or boots for doing construction and other similar activities. Occasionally wearing high heels, flip flops and other unsupportive shoes may not lead to lower back problems. However, frequent or prolonged wear can put an increased amount of pressure on your lower spine.

Maintaining a healthy weight 

Remember that being overweight increases the strain and pressure on your lower back, which increases as you age. Thus, it is important for you to follow your doctor’s advice regarding exercise and diet while keeping your weight within a healthy range for your height.

Remaining physically active

Moving around and engaging yourself in gentle stretching can help the lower back muscles heal faster. It is important to move carefully as per your comfort zone while avoiding strenuous activities that lead to more pain.

Using over-the-counter pain relievers

In case of lower back injuries, consider using over-the-counter pain relievers, particularly anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen and aspirin as these help to reduce pain and swelling7.

In case your lower back pain does not improve after 4-5 weeks of following these suggestions, you must see your doctor. Also, consult your doctor if you see any “red flags” such as extreme fatigue, history of cancer, recent falls or other severe accidents, rapid weight loss, signs of infections, like chills, sweats and fever, nerve problems or changes in bladder or bowel function. 


Which vitamin deficiency causes back pain?

Back pain can be caused by Vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. It may cause or worsen back and neck pain and muscle spasms.

Which kind of foods are best for back pain?

The best foods for back pain are fruits, vegetables, beans, and nuts. It is important to include many anti-inflammatory foods, such as spinach, sweet potatoes, watermelon, broccoli, berries, beans, and green tea, to ease back pain.